Lebanon celebrated its first gay pride in Beirut which is considered as a first in the Arabian world on Wednesday 17 May which coincided with the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biophobia. For instance, it was a full week pride from the 14 to the 21 of May. A huge step for the LGBT community which is also seen as an example for others and the results of years of struggles.


Another even more interesting development  for LGBT occured in Asia, most precisely in Taiwan. Thus Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalize same- sex marriage during the same week after landmark ruling of the taiwanese court.

taiwan 2

“I’m leaping with joy”

Chi Chia-wei an lgbt activist in Taiwan for more than 30 years was the initiator of the law suit and all his years of hardwork were duly rewardly with this historic ruling. While he admits his extreme happiness: “I’m leaping with joy”, he still remarked that Taiwan will need another two years for the laws on the matter to change and appealed to the community and the public for more support.


See also the Gay Pride in Mauritius

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